Monday, August 13, 2012

Install SystemC 2.3.0 in Mint 13/Fedora

Thanks to these tips from and

Begin borrowed material

Step 0: Prepare.

Obviously, you need to have a compiler. Do this step in case you haven't done so.

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

Step 1: Download.

Next: register, and download from using your Web browser then unpack it....but the tgz file has wrong extension. Do these steps to unpack the file:

$ mv systemc-2.2.0.tgz systemc-2.3.0.tar
$ tar xvf systemc-2.3.0.tar

In any case, create a build directory and enter into it for the following steps:

$ cd systemc-2.3.0
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/systemc
$ mkdir objdir
$ cd objdir
$ export CXX=g++
$ sudo ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/systemc CPPFLAGS=-fpermissive

Step 2: Compile

$ make
$ sudo make install
$ make check
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf objdir

The command make check is optional. What is does is to compile SystemC source files to see if the files can run. I strongly suggest that you run it.

Step 3: Tell your compiler where to find SystemC

Since we do not install SystemC with a standard location we need to specifically tell the compiler where to look for the libraries. We do this with an environment variable.

$ export SYSTEMC=/usr/local/systemc/

This, however will disappear on the next login. To permanently add it to your environment, alter ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile if it exists. For system wide changes, edit /etc/environment. (newline with expression: SYSTEMC_HOME=”/usr/local/systemc/“) To compile a systemC program simply use this expression:

$ g++ -I. -I$SYSTEMC/include -L. -L$SYSTEMC/lib-linux -o OUTFILE INPUT.cpp -lsystemc -lm

End borrowed/adapted material

HOWEVER, version 2.3.0 is not really ready. Any're on your own, since it's so new. That's why I'm back at 2.2.0.

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